서울 Seoul
‌인포그래픽의 과거, 현재와 미래
Infographic's Past, Present, and Future

Invited Lecture/Hosted by Hanyang University, 2018

Infographic is one of Soyeon's specialty areas. She was specifically invited as an infographic expert in newspapers. The presentation includes the past history of infographics in the media, the current situation at home and abroad, and future prospects.

서울 Seoul
‌어도비-비핸스 포트폴리오 리뷰
Behance Portfolio Reviews in Korea

Presenter/Hosted by Behance-Adobe, 2013

Soyeon was invited to present a portfolio of Korean artists in Behance. Behance is Adobe's creator platform. You can view the event history at the following link. *Karren is the last artist name of Soyeon.