Aquarium Bus Design 1st prize, 2013
Best Staff in Chosun Education, 2010
AVEDA Korea Eco design contest 3rd prize, 2009
Hong-ik Univ, Art Award for High School Student
-Accepted in Illustration Category, 2002
Lecturer. Infographic Special Class, Hanyang University
Presenter, Adobe Artist Review day Korea
Lecturer, Design Summer Class, HG girls High School
Artist Interview with a design class of
-Cancun art college, Mexico
< K-artist cafe review > in magazine < Anan > (Japan)
어도비 크리에이티브 Adobe CC
(Photoshop, Illustrator, Draw, Premiere, InDesign, After Effect, XD, Animate, Dreamweaver) / 클립스튜디오 Clip Studio EX /
MS오피스 MS Office
*on 윈도우&맥 환경 WINDOWS&MAC
디지털 그래픽 디자인 Digital Graphic Design / 브랜딩 Branding /
아트디렉팅&에디팅 Art Directing&Editing /
프로젝트 기획&프로듀싱 Project Planning&Producing /
프레젠테이션 Presentation / 아날로그 드로잉&페인팅 Hand drawing &Painting /
아트&디자인 교육멘토링 Art&Design Education Mentoring
일러스트레이션 Illustration / 그래픽 디자인 Graphic Design / 에디토리얼 디자인 Editoral Design / 인포그래픽 Infographic / 작문 Writing /북디자인 Book Design / 캘리그라피 Caligraphy / 웹디자인(Web Design-CSS&HTML) /
애니메이션 Animation / 소셜미디어&광고디자인 Social Media&AD Design
협업 Collaboration / 커뮤니케이션 Communication /
타겟분석 Target Analysis / 시각화 전략 Visualization Strategy /
프린트 매니지먼트 Print Management / 디자인 리서치 Design Research /
호기심 Curiosity
한국어(원어민) / 영어 / 일본어 / 프랑스어
Native Korean / Fluent in English / Japanese / French
언어학습, 음악감상, 예술가탐구, 문화&소셜 리서치, 여행&에세이, 책&기사 읽기, 스트레칭, 네트워킹&밋업, 최신기술 탐구, 예술작업
Language Learning / Music Listening / Culture&Social Research / Travel&Writing / Book&Opinion Leading / Stretching / Networking&MeetUp / Technique Research / Artwork
Over 20 Years of Photoshop Professional
10 Years in the News Media Industry
1000+ article and artworks experiences
1 and only for all works
Pixel and Vector
Paper and Web
Digital Data Visualization and Fine Art
for Any Clients Any States
"Teammates are forever"
Activity for Women Right
Writing by Influencer
Mentoring for Young Creators